Tuesday, April 26, 2011

penad r camni!!

lmeny x update blog ni..ahhaha.
tula keje skol byk sgt r..
gunung everest un klah taw
spe sruh ko btangguh syasya ( thats my name haha) kn  da blambk keje skol ko..camne nk wat? dala..sume kne anta scept mungkin cikgu nk cek..aduyai
mmg penad..very penad wat keje skol ni
tagn ni lenguh taw tulis note byk2...tkud r..keje skol syariaah kne anta minggu dpn..dala bru wat nota smpi tajuk 3..kne wat smpai tajuk......la x engat lk tp byk sgt r ,tula sla dri sendr gak  (sian aq)
camne tah nk wat..nk sruh adek bwat..x ble tlisan x sme lk (ceh sru org len wat lk) camne ea?? mama kte wat snrai mne kje skol  then 6ber kn mne yg penting  smpi yg kureng..
tp nk wat camne kebykn kje skol sme ni kne anta pde mse yg sme.. HELP!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

ameba pico!!!

this is me in my room, haha my room look beautiful right? please ring n favourite ok!!..i think ameba pico was the best game i ever played!!..yay!!! did i look pretty ? hahahaha..

Thursday, April 07, 2011

lapar ke?

laparla !
pela..balik umah...bkk tdung saji..tke de pe?
de ayam goreng semalam..hmmmm...
tula sendri ny psal spe sruh ltk garam ckit je kn x abes..huhu
ok! nk experiment sendri r..hehe
tke aq nk wat pe?..(sng je jwapn dye)
pe lg msk r!
pe da..kul 3 bru nk msak.....haha
ni resepi aq nk msak.simple sgt2

sukeati korunk r nk ltk bpe byk asalkn sedap haha
  1. 2/3/4 biji kentang
  2. 1/4 sudu besar serbuk kari (klau ble  ltk r daun kari bg naek aroma )
  3. 1/4 sudu besar serbuk kunyit
  4. 1 sudu kecik serbuk jintan
  5. 1 sudu kecik garam (selalu lpe)
  6.  8/9/10 biji lada hitam
  7. sedikit minyak
cara2 nye korunk gaul kentang ngn serbuk kari ,serbuk jintan ,serbuk kunyit ,garam jgn lpe ,lada hitam...
bia kjap..bkk api sederhana..then campak je dlm kuali tu ,tunggu smpai da msak
da ciap snang je..

resepi ini merupekn hasil experiment aq, sorry klau de tersilap ke ok!

pahit manis..

bgosh! akhirny da lps da oral test aq..(oral test ni ujian berckp at dpn klas)
mse teacher panggil aq bkn maen gelabah agy..
nk wat camne terpkse gak r mnempuh rintangan 2 (ceh!)..
mule tu ok r..bile nk msuk tjuk news2 bkn maen gelabah aq..trus gagap..hmmmm...nk wat camne 2 r spe sruh x hafal btul2.
x tau dpt mrkh bpe..harap2 20 ke atas sbb teacher kte mrkh pling tinggi 30..cediyh2

semalam... time chemist mmg best giler r..! kiteorg wat experiment lithium ,sodium n potassium
utk tau tahap reactive.. (lithium,potassium,sodium r reactive metal MUST KEEP IT IN PARAFFIN OIL) lithium,sodium n potassium 2 reactive nan oxigen n water..thats why kne simpan dlm parrafin oil..
time lithium 2 x best sgt biase je.. x nmpk red flame mse at water..bile ltk dlm blang gas oxigen..bru nmpk..cam lilin romantik lk hihi
mse sodium..mmg gempk r mse ltk at water MELETUP!
terpecik2 bara api dye...alhamdulillah aq x kne ..kwan aq sian dye..sket tgn dye kne bende 2...
.tp xde r truk sgt..
mse potassium cikgu bhati2 ckit cikgu put ckit je at water 2..so effect dye x de r truk sgt cam sodium..yg best ble nmpk r purple flame..cantik sgt2!

Sunday, April 03, 2011

omg !! my oral test !

 HOW ?!! if tomorrow is my oral test !!.. yeah..teacher call the name radomly..argghhhh!! im scare
if my name was called by my teacher tomorrow...
i dont know !!
hmmm...ok !
just relax like nothing happen.
why ?!! im still thinking about it
yeah.. there r only way..to the way out of my problem..
internet..googled haha just type " school  speach "..then i will solve my problem..yes2!
awwwhhh...im to fussy
can anybody help me ?
actually the cause of the problem..why was im thinking teacher will call my name..

my friend said actually its not a speach but like a speach
huh? example like..
a very good morning to my lovely teacher my fellow classmates i would like to present  my oral test in news form....the title... the news..
hmmm.. mama!
yay! mama had help me find some interesting news for my oral test then the result mama find it a short texted news.. "MAGIC MOMENT" look interesting right?
thank you mama..muahh!
then how to memorize it ?
just relax..read the news..undertand the new then i will memorize it